For those of you who couldn’t come to my last plant and forage walk, relax! There’s another one just around the corner. This time we’ll be meeting in Beaumont Quarry, Ballintemple to explore the beautiful wildflowers and find out more about the plants that share our world. And of course we’ll be looking at what you can safely eat, drink or otherwise use to improve your life and health.

Meet beside SPAR on Beaumont Drive at 11am, Sunday 15th June (bus #202 stops here). To be followed by a picnic in the quarry, hopefully the sun will smile on us!
Contact me on 085-7276738 or corkbranch@gmail.com for more info.

This is a FREE event on behalf of the Irish Wildlife Trust. For more information about Beaumont Quarry and the work that the Cork Branch of the Irish Wildlife Trust are doing there, see http://iwt.ie/2014/04/beaumont-quarry-a-wildlife-refuge-in-the-heart-of-cork-city/