Clinic opening times:
- Monday 9.30am – 5.30pm
- Tuesday CLOSED
- Wednesday 9.30am -2pm
- Thursday 9.30am – 2pm
- Friday 9.30am – 6pm
- Consultations by appointment
Herbal Dispensary
Herbal dispensary open 1-2pm for emergency consultations. The dispensary stocks cough medicines, salves for joint & muscle pain, herbal teas, skin creams, gargles and more…
Repeat prescriptions
Repeat prescriptions are dispensed on Monday and Friday. Please ring or email in repeat requests by 12pm on these days to ensure that they are dispensed that day. Any late requests will be dispensed on the next repeat prescription day.
The clinic experience
In my herbal clinic, you will be encouraged to describe your health issue and your current diet and lifestyle. I will listen carefully and respectfully as you tell your story and may ask questions to work out the underlying cause of the issue, so that the herbs prescribed will work with your body to correct the imbalance(s) and improve your health. I am trained to examine and diagnose illness in the same way as a medical doctor. I will then draw up a prescription specifically designed for you.
I use several forms of herbal medicine:
- tinctures, where the herb is extracted and preserved in alcohol and the liquid remedy needs to be diluted in water
- teas, where dried herbs are covered with boiling water and infused for several minutes
- creams and salves, to be applied to the affected part(s)
- essential oils diluted in a carrier oil, to be applied as directed.
- dietary changes – many foods we can eat have a gentle medicinal effect and including appropriate foods in the diet can improve health.
Hi Jo
How are you keeping? I came across your site whilst looking into all things ‘herbal’. Can you please add me to your mailing list as I would be very interested in your next workshop on Herbal remedies for the family.
Many thanks
Hi Rosa,
I’ll certainly add you to the mailing list. I’m running an open clinic day (10-4) on Tue 26 May, followed by a free talk “Home remedies for the Home” at 7.30pm that night. If there’s enough interest from that, I’ll run a course following on from that, otherwise it will be September.
Hope you’re all well,